Wednesday 23 November 2011

Conventions Of Teen Film

Teen movie are usually about a significant stage in adolescence and growing up in some way. These stages are often about
  • sex
  • relationships
  • Parental issues
  • drugs
  • trendy
  • hipster
The beginning will usually introduce characters for who the stage will occure and account for why it needs  to occure or what they need to learn. By the end they will have learnt that what they thought they wanted wasn't what they necessarily needed. It also migh concern the diffirence between people e.g geeks vs jocks and it will contain stereotypical characters for sure.

Teen movies will always be set in schools, the teenagers will wear young but obvious costumes and the teachers will almost always be badly dressed. Also a teen movie will be shot in high key lighting and their performance will be over the top.

Typical Jock

Prom Queen

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