Tuesday 27 September 2011

Let's talk about: Semiotics part 2

Kk for the final part of Semiotics we have:

Polysemy: means 'many possible meanings' E.g if you had a poster with a  black protester struggling with a policeman it could be understood in many different ways like: police brutality or violence restrained.

Anchorage: restricts the 'many possible meanings' to a 'preferred' or 'dominant' reading so if the poster with the black protester struggling with the policeman  had a caption saying "police brutality" it forces you to think that this is about police brutality and you won't think about what it could you will just think about what it is.

Next and final of this topic we have:

Montage: is when two or more images are put together to a form a sequential or combined 'whole' or total meaning (such as a sequence of shots in a movie)

Juxtaposition: (still not sure how to pronounce that...) is when two or more images are brought together to change each other's meaning E.g a picture of Ex President George Bush next to a picture of a chimpanzee would mean something different than a picture of Mr bush next to Winston Churchill


Let's talk about: Semiotics

Semiotics consist of 14 terms 

I will give you the terms & definition for each term LET'S GOOOO

The Terms are:

Sign: Signs stand for or represent ideas or things. They represent in 3 different ways Icons,Symbols and Indexical signs.

Icons: resemble  what they represent e.g a painting or a photo

Symbols: only represent something by agreement  e,g a logo or a traffic sign

Indexical signs: indicate something by association like a Fire exit sign. 

NEXT we have: Denotation

Denotation: is when a sign refers to the 'literal' meaning of the signified referent or concept.

Connotation: is when a sign refers to the meanings associated with the signified referent or concept

Myth: is the given idea attached to the signified referent or concept.

I will put the rest on a new post. See you in a beat!!!

Monday 26 September 2011

Sunday 25 September 2011

Hi Guys! My name is Karl-Dimitri, I am a A-Level student and my subjects are Business studies, French,Spanish and Media Studies (and maybe drama). I'm the kinda guy that likes sports and entertainment. One of my favourite hobby is to go outside on morning weekends and run in the park with my earphones on... or to sleep for 12 hours :D